
All prices here are approximate because every sweater is different, every person is different as is the design and the wool. These prices are to give you an idea of what you might be paying.

Once I have your measurements and we have discussed what you would like, I will give you a firm price at that time.

I take cash, and bank drafts only, no cheques or credit cards.

Sweater Prices

Sweaters can come with buttons / zipper or pull over

Children’s Pricing and Miscellaneous Items

Child’s sweater Child’s vest Touques -$30-40 Floppy hats-$40-50
22-24-26 $ 75-80 $65-70 Slippers-$ 35-45 Leg warmers $ 40-50
28-30-32 $85-90 $75-80 Mitts-$30-40 Fingerless Gloves $50-$60
34-36 $95-100 $85-90 Socks-$75-100 With hood extra $ 50 .00

Large Youth or Medium Adult

38-40 $ 125-150 $100-125

42-44 $175-200 $150-175

46-48 $250-300 $250-300

Large Adult Sweaters

50-52 $ 350-400 $300-350

54-56 $450-500 $400-450

Extra Large Sweaters

58-60 $ 550-600 $500-550